Monday, March 26, 2012

Thoughts on Modern Building Construction

"These things are built with math now, not mass. Used to be when you had to hold up a heavy load, you used a heavy piece of lumber beneath it. Now, they use protractors and compasses to hold these buildings up. They're just not as strong, and they fail on ya faster." -Lieutenant Fred Ill and Lieutenant Chris Reynolds (Andy Fredericks Training Days)

Modern building construction is here to stay, there is no changing that.  So does it mean that we need to change our tactics?  No...still the most effective method of extinguishing a structure fire is at it's seat on the inside.  However, to operate safely in a building of modern construction requires us to be even more diligent prior to and when advancing inside. 

Start by asking yourself some questions...Are we conducting a thorough size-up of the building and the fire conditions?  Are we maintaining situational awareness and constantly monitoring the interior for changes and adjusting accordingly?  Are we "making the push" carefully and probing ahead of our advance with a crouching outstretched leg or using a tool?  Do we follow our instincts when they are telling us to retreat?  Are we getting out of the firehouse and into our first and second due districts to see what types of construction and modifications are being done to buildings? 

There are a lot of questions here to think about with regards to working safely and effectively in a modern building.  Talk about these issues with your crew and look at how you are training to prepare for fires in these structures. 

I'll leave you with this...Remember speed is important but not at the sake of safety.  My father always told me "slow is steady and steady is fast".  What he meant is if you take your time and do it right you will accomplish your task quicker than if you try to go so fast that you make a mistake.


  1. I love watching the evolution of modern buildings - it sure is amazing the types of buildings the world comes up with!
